We are very lucky to have secured funding in advance to enable the charity to sponsor projects into the debilitating condition of pressure sores, or to be correct pressure ulcers (PrUs).
INSPIRE brought together subject matter experts at Principal Investigator (PI) level from the UK and Ireland to conduct a ‘Sandpit Seminar’. Presentations by selected specialists included Professor Laurence Kenney, Chairman of INSPIRE’s National Scientific Committee (NSC) and Trustee Dr Stephen Duckworth OBE who set the scene, before the Keynote speaker Prof Dan Bader DSc Professor of Bioengineering and Tissue Health at the University of Southampton who addressed the seminar on novel technological approaches to PrUs. The seminar was then split up into multi-disciplined workshops to consider evolving research. After the seminar delegates were invited to consider submitting a proposal known as an Outline Future Project (OFP) to take forward research ideas. Three prizes of £500 each have been awarded by a specialist panel to assist project teams planning their Letters of Intent (LOIs) in accordance with INPSIRE’s normal protocol. Our aim is to have projects identified with funding secured by Autumn 2019.
Click here to see who the three £500 prize winners were.
Anyone still wanting to submit a LOI can do so in the usual way: Project Application
Below are a few photos to capture the day: