Ms Mary V Mullin
Mary V Mullin has had a career in design management and promotion and in encouraging design education. She is Chairman of the Sir Misha Black Awards for Distinguished Services to Design Education, based at the Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851 in London, a Regional Adviser to International Council of Societies of Industrial Design and its first woman Vice President. She is a Trustee of the Robin and Lucienne Day Foundation. She served as Secretary General of the International Council of Graphic Design for fourteen years and was Founding Trustee of their educational Foundation. She was Director of her own London based consultancy, a consultant for UNIDO in Latin America and National Chairman of the Design and Industries Association. She was Founding Director of the National Centre of Culture and Arts in Dublin (now the Museum of Modern Art). She is an Honorary Fellow of the Royal College of Art, The University of the Arts in Bournemouth, the International Society of Typographic Design and Honorary Life Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (RSA). In November 2017 she became the first Irish person to be awarded the RSA’s Bi-Centenary Medal. Ms Mullin was elected unanimously to join INSPIRE’s Board of Trustees in October 2018.